Nice work bro, sounds a lot cleaner and smoother!
I still need to play Megaman :|
Nice work bro, sounds a lot cleaner and smoother!
I still need to play Megaman :|
Foooook !
First 30 seconds in, and my eardrums were fuckin' pelted :D
Your drums are kickass, and of course your tone is always meaty as a steak-provoked boglog *thumbs up*
Damn nice stuff, 5!
You are still fucking sick :D
This is what I would listen to if I wanted to mail a severed head to my grandma :P
The opening chord, the Satan's Third :D That chord was actually banned from Churches XD
Fucking awesome, I will say. Proper fucking Corpse!
If your band would play this stuff, I would buy your album :D
Blew me away, you get a fucking 5 :D
It's quite funny, it sounds like a dj at a nightclub that begins his first 2 seconds of raving music and gets ambushed by an assortment of vegetables :P
Made me laugh thinking about it, so you get a 4!
Damn this is good!
Niiice tone! The chord sequence fit together pretty sweetly ;D
The singing was good, nice voice, but a couple of times you sounded a bit out (but then again, I can't exactly say much XD)
Very nice, I enjoyed this :D
Nice playing
You know what, I think you're actually a master of sample rhythms :P
I love the chords that come in, it's such a happy tune :)
Anyway, awesome stuff, yet another 5 for LJ
It's actually a little funny
Hahahaha, it could have sounded a lot worse :D
It does sound like old-fashioned 70s detergent commercial music gone horribly wrong, but a few ear-bleeding notes would have made this a bit more unbearable XD
I'll vote 0 just for support :P
I could have won for sure if I broke out mah geetar!
*Nods head rhythmically*
The sound samples taken from this run very smoothly, I love the great lil' rhythm you managed to pull from them :D
Very fun little tune! If I could give a little critty, I'd say the whole thing needs a bit more increasing texture, but very nice nonetheless (Y)
Hey hey - thanks!
I'll take all the criticism you want to throw at it!
Really glad to hear from you - I'll have to get over to your page and see what you've been up to.
Finally, a tune I can skullfuck to!
The beginning sounds suspiciously like Disturbed :P
Ah what the hell, this beats anything Disturbed have ever done, the orangutan bellends.
Very nice, verrry very nice, the vocals are killer man!
And Xeno, nice fucking work with the riffs, heavy as fuck!! :D
And a 5 for this 'n
I don't listen to Disturbed...but that would explain a few things...haha. Glad you like it man, and hope you are around more often!\m/
Good stuff mate!
Hmm, nice and evil.
Would be perfect for a background synth in flashes, and it fits the title perfectly.
Although I realise the aim of this was to not make it too busy, without anything else to watch or listen over, it does sound a little bit dragging.
Still, if you're thinking this in the way I am, you have been very successful with the sound, jolly good done!!
Ye cheers man. It does drag along but whatya gona do? I know im not gona do anything.
Thanks man.
You're probably expecting something funny.
Age 34, Male
Chair tester
Coombe Dean
Plymouth, UK
Joined on 4/17/04