Fuck me.
Fuck me.
no the hater,well you voted low asshole so,uuuuuu,yeah,you voted down so yeah
Holy Hand Grenades!
Dude, this is death metal Dream Theater. No wonder it's fun to play!
Excellent fucing song dude, as Glen Bastad said below, your drums fucking rule.
Everything sounds fucking killer in this song man, excellent work boys ;)
You shred like Steve Vai on coke XD
Excellent solos
Brutal song, fucking well done!!
Hey Andy, thanks a lot man. Glad you liked the tune. Steve Vai on coke...haha, his music would get even weirder if he was doing coke.
Sweet Jesus
This is the closest anyone will ever get to Dethklok :D
Excellent fucking second riff man, it rapes all ;D
Glad to see you're still slaying Satan's ass with your fucking brutal metal!
Hahahahaha, I love that last sentence. Well man thanks for the compliments.
Still at it you old bastard? :D
Excellent fooken tune.
More, I say. You need to make something like Risen From the Fukin' Cemetary again, man. That was the second song of yours I listened to :D
Fuck, It's been a while since I reviewed any of your shit man.
This stuff is rock hard, I agree with the guy reviewing underneath me - bikers heheh.
Awesome solos, awesome riff, awesome awesomes!
Haha hey man thanks a lot for creeping out of the dark to review my tune. It's good to see you around here.
Nawt Bayd.
This is very creative. It's amazing how the simple powerchords can run through most of the song, and still keep me gripping tight. Your usage of Texas Chainsaw Massacre samples are used very well.
To that whiney manslag ForWhomTheBellTolls, you need to fucking get a grip and realise that every fucking song made on this planet doesn't have to be 100% original, because music isn't right without some sort of inspiration. There's no point in saying violent shit like that if you don't make music yourself. pitchblak mate, don't take no notice of this twat because his 2 bbs posts, his audio and flash reviews are nothing but negative bullshit.
If I can say something critical though, I have to ask why the tone of your guitar changes halfway through the song, it's a tad confusing.
Well, awesome song man. Excellent shit!
Thanx alot for the review man.Im glad you dig my song.You are right about that asshole who gave me that negative review.I dont let anything get to me,I just enjoy making music and hearing everyones opinions on it is pretty cool too even if sometimes its negative.About my tone on this one,It does change at the end due to recording it at two different sittings plus i have a 1 year old son who tends to turn the knobs on my amp frequently making it kinda hard to get everything to sound the same.one of these days im gonna mark where i like everything set at,that way i want have this problem.Thanx again man.
Fucking aces
Hahaha I might not be the only one that noticed, but i think the main riff sounds a LOT like Master of Puppets.
Anyways fucking cool man. Not a bad job at all.
hey thanks for the review! Your right the riff does sound alot like master of puppets. It's been awhile since I've listened to that song. Anyways thanks again.
0_o you submitted something new!
I love this song. It's so fucking aces awesome man. A major 'woah' for the solo!
The distortion is so damn kickass man, meaty as fuck. The riffs are also fucking good too.
Finally you submitted something new. Is that the bassdrum I eq'd for you? sounds familiar.
Phenomenal cool song man, time to give it the Fuck You Five!!
Thanks for the review dood. Yeah i really like the distortion in my tracks now and it's all thanks to my brothers Metal Zone.
Yeah that's the bassdrum you did for me though I have tweaked it a little it's pretty much the same. Thanks again for the review.
You're probably expecting something funny.
Age 34, Male
Chair tester
Coombe Dean
Plymouth, UK
Joined on 4/17/04